Despite the rise of mobile and electronic communication, we know that print is not dead. What’s even better is we’ve found that consumers prove this true. The AvidDeals mailer is a very targeted, community based direct mail product.
Here’s What Our Process Looks Like
We started AvidDeals with the idea of making it more effective for local businesses to promote their goods and services without emptying their pockets and putting them out of business. Isn’t that what all ad agencies should be doing?
Think about it; how often do you get a magazine in your mailbox with a ton of businesses in it that require you to block out half your day to take that long, traffic jammed trip 40 minutes away with screaming children in the back and an outdated Magellan sitting in your passenger seat telling you to take a wrong turn? Now think about the amount of money those businesses pay for you to receive that ad and not use it?
Our targeted AvidDeals mailers run in a smaller circulation to make sure that every household that receives it are the households that matter most to each business on it. We also have enough circulations and other tools to help destination businesses.
The AvidDeals mailers combined with our deals site make a perfect combination to solve your advertising needs that fit well within your budget.
Explore our AvidDeals Service Areas

Take your website growth to the next level with multi-channel marketing.
Because of our unique business that allows us to offer a combination of print, digital, and direct mail marketing campaigns we can expand the reach of your business to get in front of exactly the right people at the right time.

Target So You Only Reach The Right Audience

Super Targeted Circulation
Why waster money sending your ad to areas that don’t matter to your business AND YOUR CUSTOMER BASE? Our circulations are much smaller than the old, traditional way of mailing to make sure you’re only spending money where you want!

Front Cover Exposure
Discover the advantages of AvidDeals
I know what you’re thinking, “But coupon mailers don’t really work. Why should we work with Avidsphere?” Well to start here’s a look at some of our experience.
Avg. Days to See Results
Avg. Revenue from Deals
5+ Year Client Retension
A Satisfied customer is the Best business stat
Still not convinced? Well you’re a tough case. How about some testimonials from some of our clients?
Contact Details
Have more questions about what we do? Shoot us an email or give us a shout on social media and we'll be happy to answer them.